Wednesday 25 July 2012

I made it to the Salmo River Ranch! My ride from Nelson was half an hour late and I was almost certain I'd have to make new travel arrangements on the fly to make it to the farm. Luckily two girls who were also waiting for rides showed up and informed me that my ride was indeed coming. She eventually showed up and we hit the road. Made it here at 7:30, just in time for breakfast. The original plan was to start work at 4pm today but I learnt that the sous chef quit unexpectedly yesterday. I was greeted with a promotion! So now I'm the sous chef for the great Shambhala 2012 staff. All this energy put into making an amazing party will be fuelled by my work!
Because of my new job I was required to work as soon as breakfast was served. I immediately regretted not getting a good sleep last night, but I did OK during lunch prep and service. After lunch was done I was relieved for three hours and I took the opportunity to set up camp. Found me a nice spot under some cedar trees with a view of the empty field that will be full of shambhalaers in two weeks. What a change from the last time I saw these grounds. Feels more like a construction zone right now. I may move camp, but as of now, this shady cedar will be my neighbour. Now that I'm set up, it's time to explore!

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